Lemme share a little bit about myself.

How it started...


How it's going...

A little over 25 years later and here we are! I started Midsong Guitar because I felt like I've got a unique perspective that might connect with some people:

  • I've been playing guitar and leading worship for 25+ years—everywhere from the living room to the local church to the live stage.
  • I've played and led worship in country churches and mega churches, and I know what it's like to be a guitarist in any of those scenarios.
  • I lead worship (almost) every week in my home church: song selection, organizing the team, Wednesday evening practice, early Sunday run-through, Sunday morning service—I'm right there in the trenches.
  • I was the guitarist, co-lead vocalist, and songwriter in a band that (many years ago!) recorded, gigged, and toured around the U.S.
  • I'm completely self-taught. Everything I share with you I learned through experimentation, watching other players, or coming across a guitar "mentor" who gave me a few tips.
  • I don't have a fancy music degree. I'm not going to drown you in a bunch of music theory. I'm going to show you useful, everyday methods that just work for everyday players in real-world scenarios.
  • I believe the most important thing we can do in our time together is improve our skills so that we bring excellence when we use our guitars to praise God. Everything we do is for an audience of One!